Terms & Conditions

Updated: 1 January 2024

Thank you for selecting the products and services ("Services") offered by KaraboAI located at https://karabo.ai. We are dedicated to providing you with exceptional service and an innovative platform for creating and managing chatbots.

By using the Chatbot services provided by KaraboAI, you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this document. It is important that you read these terms thoroughly and understand them, as they form a binding agreement between you and KaraboAI.

1. Description of Service

KaraboAI provides a platform where users can create, train, and deploy chatbots. These services include:

  • Chatbot Creation: Users can design and develop custom chatbots. Our list of available chatbots can change from time to time, refer to the latest chatbot offerings for the latest list.
  • Data Training: Users can train chatbots using data they upload, manually enter, or integrate from third-party sources such as eCommerce platforms, online calendars, or databases.
  • Deployment: Users can embed these chatbots on websites or third-party messaging platforms like Messenger and WhatsApp.

2. User Obligations

As a user of KaraboAI, you are expected to uphold certain obligations to ensure the responsible and ethical use of our platform. These obligations are integral to maintaining the integrity of our services and the safety of all users.

2.1 Responsible Use and Conduct:

Abuse of Services: You must not misuse our services. Any form of abuse, including but not limited to, overloading, flooding, spamming, mail-bombing the services, or scripting the creation of content in such a manner as to interfere with or create an undue burden on the services is strictly prohibited.

Prohibition of Data Scraping: The use of automated systems or software to extract data from our website or services, commonly known as scraping, is not permitted, except through our approved API system as outlined in our API documentation.

2.2 Security of Account Credentials:

Confidentiality: You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials. This includes taking reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of your login details.

No Sharing or Resale: Sharing, selling, or otherwise transferring your account or any portion thereof, to another party without our consent is prohibited.

2.3 Compliance with Laws:

Legal Compliance: You must use our services in compliance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations.

Prohibition of Illegal Use: Our bots and services must not be used for any unlawful purposes or for the promotion of illegal activities. The responsibility for ensuring that the content or data fed into the bots is legal and appropriate lies solely with you, the user creating the bot.

2.4 Liability and Bot Usage:

User Responsibility: We do not accept responsibility for the bots created on our platform. While we adhere to standard AI design best practices, we have no control over and assume no responsibility for the output provided by the bots.

Disclosure to End-Users: When embedding our bots on your platform, it is mandatory to disclose to your users that the responses are generated by a bot. You must ensure that the bot's output is not misrepresented as coming from a human.

2.5 Right to Refuse Service:

Service Refusal: KaraboAI reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time for any reason. We will monitor the use of our services to prevent abuse and take action if necessary.

By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge your understanding and commitment to fulfilling these obligations. Failure to adhere to these obligations may result in the termination of your account and legal action where necessary.

4. Ownership of Data and Intellectual Property Rights

At KaraboAI, we acknowledge that the data generated, collected, and used within our platform is a valuable asset and must be treated accordingly. Therefore, we differentiate between the ownership of certain types of data and intellectual property rights:

4.1 Chatbot Training Data, Third-Party Integration Data, and Chatbot-Generated Data:

Data Ownership: Chatbot training data, data obtained from third-party integrations, and data generated by chatbots belong to the user who owns the account associated with that specific chatbot. KaraboAI does not claim ownership over this data.

User Responsibilities: Users have the autonomy to invite multiple team members to their accounts. However, it is essential to understand that the responsibility for the account, including payment obligations, lies with the user who owns the account. All chatbot data within that account is considered the property of that user.

Service Continuity: Users can continue to utilize our services for as long as they fulfill their payment obligations. KaraboAI reserves the right to cease providing services if payments are not made in accordance with our payment terms.

4.2 User Accounts and Payments:

Account Ownership: Each user is responsible for the ownership and security of their individual account. Account access and usage are personal and non-transferable.

Payment Handling: We partner with a third-party payment provider, Stripe, to handle payments securely. Users are encouraged to review Stripe's terms and conditions to understand how their data is handled during the payment process.

Payment Obligations: Timely payments are crucial to maintaining uninterrupted access to our chatbot services. Failure to make payments in accordance with our payment terms may result in the discontinuation of chatbot services.

5. Data Privacy and Security

At KaraboAI, safeguarding the privacy and security of your data is paramount to our mission. We take comprehensive measures to ensure the confidentiality and protection of your information, while also acknowledging the evolving nature of cybersecurity. Here's an expanded overview of our commitment to data privacy and security. Read more about our Privacy Policy Here:

5.1 Comprehensive Data Protection:

Robust Security Measures: KaraboAI employs state-of-the-art security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access, breaches, and cyber threats. These measures include advanced encryption, access controls, regular security audits, and ongoing monitoring of our systems.

5.2 User Responsibilities:

Data Confidentiality: Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their data and chatbots. This entails taking measures to ensure that sensitive information is not shared with unauthorized parties.

Secure Login Credentials: Users must secure their login credentials to prevent unauthorized access to their accounts. This includes creating strong passwords and promptly reporting any suspicious activity.

5.3 Limitations of Security:

No Absolute Security: While we strive to provide the highest level of security possible, it's important to acknowledge that no online platform can guarantee absolute security. Cyber threats are continuously evolving, and despite our efforts, unforeseen vulnerabilities may emerge.

5.4 Third-Party Integration Security:

Data Handling by Third Parties: When using third-party integrations, such as payment processors, users are encouraged to review the terms and conditions of these third-party providers. While we prioritize data security, the handling of data during transactions with third parties is subject to their respective policies.

5.5 Collaborative Effort:

User Collaboration: We consider data privacy and security to be a collaborative effort between KaraboAI and our users. By adhering to best practices and our terms of service, together we can maintain a secure environment.

5.6 Continuous Improvement:

Ongoing Enhancements: KaraboAI is committed to continuously improving our security measures in response to emerging threats and vulnerabilities. We remain proactive in adapting to new challenges in the realm of cybersecurity.

6. Service Modifications and Availability

At KaraboAI, we prioritize transparency and user understanding regarding service availability, liability, and potential modifications. We want to clarify our stance in the following manner:

6.1 Service Uptime and Liability:

No Uptime Guarantee: KaraboAI cannot guarantee continuous service uptime. While we make every effort to maintain consistent service availability, factors beyond our control may lead to occasional downtime.

Limited Liability: We are not responsible for any costs, losses, or liabilities incurred by users due to service downtime. Users acknowledge that the service is provided "as is," and they assume any associated risks.

6.2 Service Modifications:

Reserved Rights: KaraboAI retains the right to discontinue or amend our services, either temporarily or permanently, at our sole discretion. These modifications may include changes to features, functionality, or the service as a whole.

Communication Efforts: While we aim to communicate significant service changes in advance, we do not guarantee prior notice for all modifications.

User Responsibility: Users are encouraged to stay informed about the latest product offerings and service updates by regularly visiting our website.

User Testing: We recommend that users regularly test and check the functionality of their chatbots to ensure they align with their intended purposes.

6.3 Third-Party API Provider (OpenAI):

Impact on AI Functionality: Due to our reliance on the third-party API provider, OpenAI, we want to make users aware that AI functionality may be affected without prior notice. This can lead to bot downtime, changes in bot behavior, or functionality.

OpenAI's Dynamic Nature: OpenAI is known for its continuous updates, changes in services, and occasional downtime. These changes may not always be anticipated by KaraboAI, but we work diligently to adapt our services accordingly.

User Awareness: Users must be aware of their reliance on these third-party services and acknowledge the dynamic nature of AI functionality.

7. Termination

At KaraboAI, we believe in maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all users of our services. To uphold this commitment, we reserve the right to terminate the use of our services under various circumstances, with or without prior notice. The termination process is outlined as follows:

7.1 Termination Reasons:

Abuse and Misuse: We may terminate a user's access to our services if there is evidence of abuse, misuse, or any violation of our terms and policies.

Legal Obligations: If we are legally obligated or ordered to terminate a user's access, we will do so in compliance with the law.

Breach of Terms: Users who breach our terms and conditions are subject to termination of their access to our services.

Business Changes: In certain cases, such as a change in our business circumstances or the cessation of services from third-party providers like OpenAI, we may need to terminate services.

User-Requested Termination: Users may also request the termination of their services with us.

7.2 Data Removal and Retention:

Data Deletion: In the event of service termination, we will remove all data associated with the user from our database.

Data Retention Laws: However, please be aware that we may retain data as required by applicable data retention laws for the necessary duration.

8. Limitation of Liability

KaraboAI places great emphasis on transparency and user responsibility. In this section, we clarify our stance regarding liability, emphasizing that the use of our services is at the user's own risk.

8.1 User Acceptance of Risk:

Use at Your Own Risk: By using our services, users acknowledge and accept that the use of KaraboAI's services is entirely at their own risk. We do not assume liability for any costs, losses, damages, or liabilities incurred as a result of using our services.

8.2 Service Providers' Liability:

No Liability: Our service providers are not liable for any costs, losses, damages, or liabilities incurred while using our services. Users should refer to the terms and conditions of our service providers for their respective policies.

8.3 Third-Party Services and Outputs:

No Responsibility: KaraboAI is not responsible for any costs, losses, damages, or liabilities incurred through third parties accessed through our platform. Users are encouraged to review the terms and conditions of third-party services they interact with via our website.

Chatbot Outputs: We do not assume responsibility for the outputs of our chatbots, including the content they generate or any advice provided. Users must always clearly label chatbot output as generated by a bot to avoid confusion among downstream users of the chatbots.

8.4 Other Relevant Liability Exclusions:

Unforeseen Circumstances: KaraboAI is not liable for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the use of our services.

Force Majeure: We are not liable for any failures, delays, or disruptions caused by events beyond our control, such as natural disasters, pandemics, or acts of war.

No Consequential Damages: KaraboAI is not liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, punitive, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to lost profits, data, or goodwill.

9. Indemnification

9.1 User Responsibility:

User Obligation: Users agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless KaraboAI, its officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and costs arising out of or in any way connected with:

  • User's access to or use of our services.
  • User's violation of these terms and conditions.
  • User's violation of any third-party rights, including without limitation, any intellectual property rights or privacy rights.

9.2 Cooperation: Users agree to cooperate with KaraboAI in the defense of any claim subject to this indemnification clause. We reserve the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by the user.

9.3 No Admission of Liability: This indemnification clause does not constitute an admission of liability on the part of KaraboAI or its users. It is intended to protect both parties and ensure responsible use of our services.

10. Changes to Terms

At KaraboAI, we are committed to providing our users with the most up-to-date and relevant terms and conditions. We may update, modify, or change these terms at any time, with or without prior notice to users. Here are the key points regarding changes to our terms:

10.1 Unannounced Modifications:

Changes Without Prior Notice: Users acknowledge that our terms may be updated, modified, or changed at any time without prior notice. We reserve the right to make such changes at our discretion.

10.2 User Responsibility:

Checking for Updates: Users are responsible for checking the latest terms of service regularly. We encourage users to visit our website periodically to review the most current version of these terms.

Published on Website: We will always publish the latest version of our terms on our website. The most current terms will be accessible on the terms and conditions page.

10.3 Continued Use:

Acceptance of Changes: By continuing to use our services after any changes to these terms have been made, users implicitly accept and agree to the updated terms and conditions.

11. Contact

We value open communication with our users and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or feedback. You can get in touch with us by writing an email to hello[at]karabo.ai. Our dedicated team is here to assist you and address any inquiries you may have. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you in any way we can.