Privacy Policy

Last modified: 01 January 2024

1. Introduction

Welcome to KaraboAI. Our Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about our practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of your personal data when you visit our website Our unwavering commitment to your privacy and the safeguarding of your personal information is at the forefront of our operations. This policy is in place to ensure transparency in our data processing methods and to affirm our dedication to protecting your privacy rights.

2. Information Collection and Use

KaraboAI diligently gathers a wide array of information, essential for the enhancement and optimization of the services we provide to you.

a. Personal Data: The personal information we collect may encompass your email address, phone number, professional or business details, and website links. Such data is vital for customizing your interactions with our services, ensuring effective communication, and delivering content tailored to your specific interests and business requirements.

b. Google API Data: We acquire data from GoogleAPI concerning Calendar Events, which includes the event's start and end times, description, and the email address of the organizer. This data is reflected in your personal calendar. Furthermore, we utilize the start and end times to calculate potential conflicts with upcoming appointments. This information remains confidential on our servers and is not disclosed to any third parties, nor is it shared with AI models for any purpose.

c. Meta Business/WhatsApp Business Account: Information sourced from MetaAPI is used to enhance integration with accounts and assist users in selecting appropriate profiles for messaging. This information is securely stored on our servers and is never divulged to third parties or used in conjunction with AI models under any circumstances.

d. Additional Data Collection: We might also collect extra information that is crucial for the continuous improvement of our services. This may include demographic details, preferences, feedback, and other personal insights that you willingly provide to us.

3. Use of Data

KaraboAI employs the collected data for multifaceted purposes:

  • To provide, maintain, and enhance the quality and safety of our Service.
  • To inform you of modifications or updates to our Service.
  • To engage you in interactive features, subject to your voluntary participation.
  • To deliver exceptional customer care and support.
  • To generate insights for the development and improvement of our Service.
  • To monitor the Service usage patterns and trends.
  • To identify, prevent, and address technical and security-related concerns.

4. Transfer Of Data

Your information, including Personal Data, may undergo transferal and maintenance on systems located beyond your local jurisdiction. This transference is carried out with strict adherence to data protection laws, ensuring the safety and integrity of your data irrespective of geographical boundaries.

5. Disclosure Of Data

We may disclose your Personal Data under certain circumstances:

  • To comply with legal requirements or governmental requests.
  • To enforce our rights, property, or safety, as well as those of our users or the public.
  • To address and investigate potential violations or misuses of our Service.
  • To safeguard against or respond to legal proceedings or liabilities.

6. Data Security

KaraboAI implements industry-leading data protection and security protocols. These include robust access controls, advanced data encryption technologies, and conducting regular security audits and reviews. Our goal is to ensure the highest level of security and confidentiality of your data.

7. Your Rights

As a user of KaraboAI, you are empowered with specific rights over your data:

  • Access and update your personal information at any time.
  • Request deletion or download your data from our platform.
  • Exercise your rights with ease and transparency.

8. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our use of cookies and similar technologies is aimed at enhancing website functionality and analytics. We provide you with the choice to opt-out of these technologies, respecting your preferences and privacy.

9. Google Policy: Limited Use Requirements

KaraboAI use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

10. Changes to This Policy

KaraboAI reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy. Significant changes will be communicated to our users, and the updated policy’s effective date will be clearly indicated.

For inquiries or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at hello[at]