Sales & Generating Quotes

Training Allowance:
100,000 Words/per bot
PDF Uploads:
Website Links:
Zapier, API, Webhooks
Website, WhatsApp, Messenger
Generate Quotes Sales Chatbot


The Generate Quotes Chatbot is an innovative tool that automates the generation of product quotes while simultaneously acting as a lead generation system. Users can create their own product catalog by manually entering products or uploading a template spreadsheet. The chatbot guides them through the selection process and provides a customized PDF quote, capturing and verifying user emails in the process. All collected information, along with the quote, is stored in your dashboard for easy follow-up. Additionally, this data can be sent through webhooks for seamless integration with other systems.

Key Features

Product Catalog Creation: Allow users to easily create and manage their product catalog directly through the chatbot, enhancing user interaction and data accuracy.

Automated Quote Generation: Enable the chatbot to instantly generate and provide PDF quotes based on user selections, improving operational efficiency.

Lead Generation and Verification: Collect and verify email addresses during the interaction, storing valuable lead information for future marketing and sales activities.

Comprehensive Dashboard: Access all user interactions, quotes, and lead information from a centralized dashboard, facilitating effective follow-up and conversion strategies.

Generate Quotes data Collection

Use Cases

Product Sales: Facilitate the sale of products by enabling customers to browse through a catalog, select items, and receive an instant quote, streamlining the purchasing process.

Service Quotations: Allow service providers to offer quick and accurate quotes for various services, catering to customer needs efficiently.

Email Marketing: Utilize verified email addresses collected during interactions for targeted email marketing campaigns, enhancing customer engagement and retention.

Integration with CRM Systems: Leverage webhook functionalities to integrate collected data with existing CRM systems, ensuring data synchronization and maximizing business intelligence.