# Profile Data

The profile endpoint plays a crucial role in providing a comprehensive overview of your Karabo.ai account. Through this endpoint, authenticated users can retrieve detailed information encapsulating the status and scope of their account. This includes, but is not limited to, the current subscription package, the total number of chatbots associated with the account, and specific identifiers for each chatbot. Such data is indispensable for users looking to manage their chatbots or understand their account's utilization within the Karabo.ai ecosystem.

# Accessing Your Profile Data

To access this endpoint, authentication is required, ensuring that information is securely delivered only to the account holder. Upon successful authentication, users are presented with a 'profile object'—a structured representation of their account's data.

# Contents of the Profile Object

The profile object furnishes a wealth of information:

  • Email: The primary email associated with your Karabo.ai account, serving as your account's unique identifier.
  • Subscription Package: Reflects the type of subscription you hold, indicating the level of access and features available to your account.
  • Number Chatbots: Total number of chatbot in your KaraboAI account.
  • Bots Available: Number of chatbots you can still create.
  • Chatbots: A list of chatbots created under your account. For each chatbot, the following details are provided:
    • chatbot_name: The name assigned to the chatbot, allowing for easy identification.
    • chatbot_id: A unique identifier for each chatbot, essential for making specific API calls related to that chatbot.
    • date_created: The creation date of the chatbot, formatted for clarity and ease of understanding.

Endpoint: GET https://karabo.ai/api/v1.0/me/

Example Response:

  "email": "user@example.com",
  "package": "Basic",
  "reset_date": "1 January 2023",
  "number_chatbots": 2,
  "bots_available": 1,
  "chatbots": [
      "chatbot_name": "Customer Support Bot",
      "chatbot_id": "12345abcde",
      "chatbot_type": "Business Enquiries",
      "date_created": "1 January 2023",
      "conversation_count": 239,
      "conversation_allowance": 2000
      "chatbot_name": "Survey Bot",
      "chatbot_id": "67890fghij",
      "chatbot_type": "Data Collection",
      "date_created": "15 March 2023",
      "conversation_count": 768,
      "conversation_allowance": 2000

# Utilizing Chatbot IDs

With the chatbot_id in hand, you can further interact with specific chatbots through the API. This could involve fetching chatbot-specific data, updating chatbot settings, or training the chatbot with new data.


Remember, an active subscription is required to access this endpoint, in line with Karabo.ai's policy for access-controlled endpoints. Ensure your subscription is current to maintain uninterrupted access to your profile data and other premium features of the platform.